
Choosing Board Software for Holding Online Meetings

When you host an online meeting, the potential for technical issues is a lot. One member of your board may have an inefficient connection to the internet, or his battery could end up dying during the meeting. It is an excellent idea to request remote attendees to test their devices in advance. You can also offer training and assistance to ensure that attendees from remote locations are prepared to use the portal for board members prior to the meeting.

In addition, to the basic options, you should look for a meeting space that is digital that offers high levels of security and compliance. The top online board portals ensure your data is secure at the server level, and you can also customize access to documents for different users.

Another crucial feature is the ability to record votes. In contrast to the traditional show-of-hands system, recording vote results in your virtual boardroom can ensure transparency and accountability. It also will reduce the time it takes to prepare board resolutions, and will increase the efficiency in your meetings.

The software should be easy to use and comprehend for anyone, even if have less tech-savvy attendees. It should also be compatible with all platforms, including smartphones and tablets. It should also work with printers. Some board members might prefer printing out documents or presentations due to various reasons, including their inability to use screens for prolonged periods of time. In addition the digital boardroom must have chat functions for quick collaboration.

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