
Using a Private Equity Data Room to Conduct Due Diligence


The private equity business continues to expand at an extraordinary pace, particularly following the COVID-19 pandemic. In the aftermath, investment managing firms have to find new ways of managing the increasing volume of data pertaining to potential investments. A virtual data room (“VDR”) is one way to streamline and improve the due diligence process. A VDR can be used to help PE firms perform a greater level of analysis and evaluation of the market position as well as growth opportunities, cash flows and track records of prospective investment targets.

A VDR can assist investment management teams complete more profitable transactions in a shorter timeframe. This can have a significant impact on the bottom line. However there are specific aspects that should be considered when selecting the right VDR for private equity due diligence.

The first and foremost requirement is that the VDR must provide a flexible, secure online platform for conducting due diligence on prospective investments. It should allow users to easily upload, organize, and share documents from any device with an Internet connection. In addition, a complete due diligence workflow should be included. This should include Q&A management tools as well as granular access control for folders and files, drag-and drop upload capabilities for files, and version control.

In addition, a robust analytics suite should be made available to provide insight into process’s progress. This should include real time reports on document downloading, user activity, and Q&A interactions.


