
Six Essential Best Practices for Data Security

Data security is the safeguarding of data both physical and digital against unauthorised access or destruction. It is an essential requirement for any business, as it ensures the original site confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of personal information to authorized users. It also helps avoid the loss of critical information in the event of an attack from cyberspace or a data breach. A reliable data security program is a mix of tools to ensure six best practices essential to a successful program:

Authentication is a must in any data security strategy. Whether your data are in transit or at rest it is important to confirm that only authorized users have access using credentials, such as passwords or encryption keys, or other methods of authentication, like multi-factor identification (MFA), where the user is required to provide more than one method of verification.

The organization must be able to inventory the data it uses, and understand when sensitive data is in a specific state, such as “at rest”, “in transit” or “in use”.

It can be a challenge for businesses to keep the track of sensitive information when the amount of data collected increases. This is why it’s important to adhere to the principle of least privilege which requires that users be provided with only the information they need for their job. By restricting the number of permissions granted, you can enhance security and reduce costs for storage and bandwidth. Your policy on data usage must also specify how data will be used and the consequences for any policy violation.


