
Data Safety Instructions For Website Owners

Data privacy is one of the areas in which the old adage “prevention is better than cure” is definitely true. A small bit of malicious code uploaded to your site could cause major damage, ranging from a pop-up window opening to stolen sessions or passwords and even complete system compromise. You should include in your data security browse around this web-site guidelines the frequency and manner in which you are able to check your system for malicious code and what security measures you have in place to limit the risk.

Ensure that any software platforms or scripts you use on your website are updated regularly. Hackers are targeting security holes in popular web software, and a deficiency in timely updates makes your system vulnerable. You should also limit database or network accessibility to the minimum amount of people necessary to perform their work.

Create a plan of action to deal with possible breaches and assign a member of staff to manage the process. Based on the nature of your business it is possible to inform law enforcement, customers and credit bureaus. This is a serious matter that should be planned in advance.

Make sure you have strong password requirements and ensure you have a way to store passwords. For instance, you should require upper and lowercase characters, numerals, and special characters. You can also utilize salt and hash functions that are slow. Avoid storing sensitive information about users, and when you need to, reduce the risk by encryption or deletion of the data after a certain period.


